Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Ciao! Almost Ready to Dig!

Students in the Can You Dig It? Winterim arrived in Rome, Italy today (Wednesday) at noon. They used the beginning of this week to research Italian history and the sites that they will be visiting during their time in Italy. After they arrived in Rome, they started traveling to Tolfa, where they will be staying. Everyday these students will travel to Monte Piantangeli, where they will spend most days excavating sites, learning more about Italian history, and even learning some Italian.

Today, Mr. Greene sent us an update on how the students faired in their international travel and what they will be up to tomorrow and the coming days:


Using planes, trains and automobiles (both buses and Fiats), the "Can You Dig It?" Winterim is officially underway in Italy. The students and faculty leaders survived a gauntlet of Italian public transit obstacles after a long flight to safely arrive at their dormitory in Allumiere, Italy. Our group used this long travel experience as an opportunity to get to know one another (and our guide Susanna), while maintaining a terrific overall attitude towards the interesting ups and downs of international travel. We are looking forward to our first day at the dig site tomorrow and getting our hands dirty as we learn from some expert archaeologists about how we can maintain the wonderful history that Italy has to offer. Attached are pictures of the group enjoying their 2 hour layover in Amsterdam and enjoying their first true Italian pizza in Civitavecchia! 

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